You can fool some of the people some of the time

What comes out of the south end of a north-bound whale?

The Pioneer Press (yeah we do read it occasionally, but mostly for nostalgic reasons–it used to be quite good before being taken over by the corporate creeps) had a story today about Mark Kennedy’s recent voting record. (Ok, it was from the Associated Press, but at least the PP posted it.)

At any rate, the reporter put two and two together and came up with the theory that Kennedy was burnishing his image as a compassionate conservative and environmentalist to position himself to run for Senate in 2006.

The story got it right. Kennedy is a slimy guy. You’ll notice by the vote totals that his vote would not have made any difference in the eventual outcome. It’s an old trick for the party leadership to allow “defections” by members in swing districts so they can say they actually voted for stuff…although they wouldn’t have done so without permission.

Keep a couple more things in mind about Kennedy as the time to vote nears. Don’t forget who was in town last week to raise money for his campaign. And especially don’t forget the absolute slime he threw against Patty Wetterling in the congressional race last year. If you don’t remember, he called a woman whose son was abducted and probably murdered “soft on terrorism.”

This guy is lower than whale droppings. He’d make even Bush lap dog Norm Coleman look like a great statesman. If Minnesota is stupid enough to elect him this time, I’m moving to Texas. There won’t be much difference.






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