Month: April 2005

  • If You'd Be So Kind

    —James Dankert I need some new links. I love most of the folks over there in the column to the left, but they’re all pretty much holdovers from my old site, and I’ve noticed lately that some of them are no longer active –a lot of them, actually, which I’m sure is a reflection of…

  • The lesson for today

    The Burning Man “Lawrence” by Tony Hoagland On two occasions in the past twelve months, I have failed, when someone at a party spoke of him with a dismissive scorn, to stand up for D.H. Lawrence, a man who burned like an acetylene torch from one end to the other of his life. These individuals,…

  • Uncle Jumbo's Playground

    –Illustration by James Dankert Here’s the deal: years ago —years ago– I spent a few holiday seasons working at one of those sausage and cheese kiosks at a local mall. I did this, as I do most things, purely out of laziness. The employee discount was attractive to me at the time, and I thought:…

  • Pressing On

    See now some people are just willful about not getting it. Matt Taibbi—the man who is now best known as the author of the world’ most tasteless dead pope jokes—is not happy until he has found a pile of his own shit to goosestep through. In yesterday’s New York Press, he offers his long and…

  • Rockin' The Teflon Dump

    The guy who pumps the music through the Metrodome speakers during Twins games is a fellow by the name of Kevin Dutcher. I have no idea how much attention people pay to that sort of thing during baseball games, but I started noticing a few years ago that the selection of tunes at the Dome…

  • Sightings

    If you’re interested in hearing more inside dope on this month’s cover story about the man who caught Zacarias Moussaoui, we encourage you to tune in to CNN tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. Our writer, Dean Staley, will be interviewed about the story—just in time for the rumored acceptance of Moussaoui’s guilty plea, also scheduled for…