Month: March 2007

  • Yucks, Butts, Trills, and Game

    COMEDY Stand-up Stand-off Last Comic Standing is coming back for a 5th season, and Minneapolis has been chosen as one of the five national audition cities. (That’s right; this season is going international, so Australia, Canada, and England will also host auditions.) Auditions start at 9 a.m., but those of us less-funny people can watch…

  • That's My (Fat) Boy

    Damn, I love Sidney Ponson. I’ve always been a fan of the big man, and nobody was happier than I was to see the Twins swoop in and snag one of the huge Hot Stove League bargains, but after today’s stellar start (and –yeah, yeah– the Real Deal had to come in and blow up…

  • Greenwald Rips the Chris Matthews Gang.

    I’m a fan of Glenn Greenwald, whose blog is now over at Although perhaps not terse and punchy enough for most attention spans, the guy has a sharp, discerning mind. And boy is he upset today. The clip he includes of Chris Matthews, a relentless TV presence capable of reducing any topic to the…

  • Paul Douglas. The exception that proves the rule.

    Commenter Dave disagrees with my view of KSTP’s global warming reporting. He notes that … “WCCO has had the exact opposite stance on global warming. They have jumped in and rarely show the other opinion. I’ve never seen you mention that. WCCO also has Paul Douglas, the man who proudly announced he purchased a Hybrid…

  • Jazz, Punk, 60s, and Sci-Fi

    MUSIC Jazz Fusion Virtuosos There is something to be said for the casual air with which a seasoned group of already-accomplished musicians can address their art. Without the need for commercial success (which they have already attained), they can simply play out of love for the art. Seldom is this so apparent as with Steve…

  • Joe Boyd

    Hallelujah; it’s Monday and there’s actually something of interest going on, I mean, aside from the 70-degree weather. Straight outta our March So Little Time section (I wrote this little ditty–it was a while back now–and don’t want to reinvent the wheel): Joe Boyd had his fingers in all sorts of music-history pies. While still…