Egg on Our Face (a Correction)

Dear Rake,
The author of your July fiction piece—which I edited—was actually Dan Hendrickson, and not Don Hendrickson as was printed. I’m sure you regret this embarrassing error as much as I do. I’m also sure that you, like I, would very much like to apologize to Dan Hendrickson, his friends and family, and everyone he knows. I realize that this is in no way an adequate defense, but I can only tell you that from the very moment I received Dan Hendrickson’s fine story, “Dog Day,” I was incapable of thinking of its author as anyone but Don Hendrickson, to the extent that I actually changed the byline on the man’s own manuscript, certain (for some inexplicable reason) that he didn’t even know his own name. I believe I may even have called Dan Hendrickson “Don” in a phone conversation or two, but, polite fellow that he undoubtedly is, he didn’t bother to correct me.
Somewhere in the past I knew a Don Hendricks. That’s my only possible excuse, and it’s not a very good one.
I really am sorry.
As, I’m sure, are you.

Brad Zellar, Senior Editor






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