“Who doesn’t love Sam and Sylvia Kaplan?” [January] Well, I guess I don’t. Nothing personal; it’s just that they stand for everything I dislike about politics and “progressives.”
Secretive meetings held behind closed doors; politicians groveling for the Kaplans’ approval; the Twin Cities’ elite hobnobbing at invitation-only soirees. It reeks of the cronyism the Kaplans are said to be against. But since they’re on the correct side of the aisle, the portrait painted is a rosy one.
Author Brian Lambert tells us that the local Republican equivalent is Bill Cooper, who of course is not as lily white as the Kaplans. Cooper’s modus operandi is “fear based”; he’s cranky, he’s arrogant. Contrast that with Sylvia Kaplan, who is “acerbic” or at worst “blunt.” It’s all in the spin.
The Kaplans are all smiles and I’ve no doubt they’re wonderful people. However, I’d challenge them to open their palatial estate to some of the downtrodden folks who live a stone’s throw away. Mingle with the people who have borne the brunt of your “progressive” policies for generations. You might then understand why some of us, living outside the Ivory Tower, just aren’t feeling the love.
Editor’s Note: Brian Lambert did not write that Cooper’s modus operandi is "fear based’; he quoted Representative Keith Ellison, who said "Cooper’s thing is fear-based."
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