Colleen Sheehy, curator at the Weisman, put together a nature-themedshow with this Bob Dylan epigraph: “The sky cracked its poems in nakedwonder.” She chose Mark Dion’s candid deer portraits, Eleanor McGough’spaintings of natural subjects subsumed into lushly decorative patterns,and Christine Baeumler’s paintings from her recent trip to theGalapagos and the Great Barrier Reef. Sheehy chose “curator artists”:Dion has always been interested in what museums do to their subjects,the animals or art that end up in them; McGough seizes flowers,branches, cells, and proliferates their patterns, creating a decorativecontext that acts much like a museum in deracinating the subjects.Baeumler seems better able to stand back—in the past, her paintingsoften contained such patterns and grids, but these new ones seem tofind rather than seek.
Gallery Co., 400 First Ave. N., Suite 210, Minneapolis; 612-332-5252.
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