Author: Ann Bauer
Stock Your Cellar
Today is the last day of Surdyk’s Annual Fall Wine Sale, with 20-35% off bottles throughout the store. So if you’re into the old-style guys-in-ties-and-striped-aprons ambiance of the place — or in the mood for some extraordinary cave-aged Cheddar cheese, also on sale in The Cheese Shop next door — you have until 10 p.m.…
Semen Sent Same-Day Mail
Winner of the best opening line of the day: On Labor Day weekend, a midwife’s favorite holiday, Louise Sloan, a 41-year-old lesbian, had semen Fed Exed to her mother’s summer place in Kennebunkport, Maine. Read the rest of the article here.
This Year's Hottest Gifts: Goats, Guinea Pigs, and Water Buffalo
At first, I thought it was a joke. Heifer International just sent me a holiday catalog offering me the opportunity to buy a water buffalo for $250 and ship it to Cambodia. I could also buy a share of a buffalo, for just $25. And this is serious. Heifer International is a private nonprofit agency…
A cigar, a long tunnel, and King Triton's castle. . . .
Now this. My good friend and loyal reader, Schneider, sent the photo above in response to my October 11 Jug O’ Wine entry about unexpected bottle shapes. Hmmmmmmm. Now, maybe I’ve just taken too many film theory classes (Am I, by the way, the only person in America who believes Die Hard was a romance…
Stage Mother
Patricia Olive has no children. So you’d think she’d be spared that dinnertime nightmare: This one hates vegetables, this one eats only bologna sandwiches with ketchup, this one weeps about dead animals every time you serve beef. But when the Guthrie Theater staged Six Degrees of Separation in 2003, the veteran props manager got a…
Bev's Wine Bar: Haven by the Highway
Back in the late 1990’s, I lived for a year in a house that felt completely wrong. Liminal, oddly oriented. It was set sideways — or rather, along a street that somehow struck me as sideways — on a hill, facing the back parking lot of a school that ran perpendicular. What’s more, the main…