Author: Ann Bauer
Eat a duck, save a doberman
Ah, the dilemma of being an upright mammal. Each of us — excepting strict vegans, of course — must make peace with his or her spot on the food chain. Are we carnivores, herbivores, or pesci-vegetarians? Do we eat fowl but not red meat, because cows have sad eyes while chickens are mostly irritating? Is…
Sup like a steelworker
The latest Parasole restaurant opened for dinner last night in Maple Grove. It’s called Pittsburgh Blue, named for the way he-men in the Rust Belt eat their steak: charred on the exterior, cold and bloody inside. Why, you may ask, is a restaurant geared toward steelworkers located in the pink collar capital of the Midwest?…
Once, full of light
Oddly, the last two movies I’ve seen have had more or less the same storyline: impoverished street musician suddenly finds success but suffers many personal losses along the way. The first was La Vie en Rose, a biopic about the French singer Edith Piaf. It was long — 140 minutes — and as violent a…
White on a whim
Perversely, after a summer of drinking meaty, dry red wines, when the cool weather set in this week, I suddenly got a hankering for white. A woman’s body is fickle, as I tell my husband often. One day, you slip into your size-7 jeans and run around the world bending every which way like an…
For news junkies with spatial skills
Lists bore you? Don’t bother. You can get breaking news in a colorful, jagged puzzle format at newsmap. Even if you don’t find anything interesting, it’s a great screen to stare at. Kind of like an Escher.
A little Jersey armpit
So I’m talking to my friend Schneider today and he asks, “Are you watching Wine Library TV?” “Damn,” I think to myself. “I guess it’s time to bite the bullet and get cable.” First I find out there’s this show on HBO featuring dysfunctional couples having real sex; not good sex, mind you, and never…