Author: Brad Zellar
One More Morning In America
A morning like this, a morning on which you will not truly wake up, but rather go through the habitual motions of waking up –brush your teeth, shower, change your clothes, walk the dog, and go off in the usual stupor to work– you’re left wrestling with the old, hard-wired reactions to nights like the…
A Matter Of Great Importance
Dear George Washington Bush, I have to confess to you, sir, that I’ve grown weary of your monkey business. Tomorrow I intend to join with millions of other Americans in voting you out of office. I’m not ashamed to admit that I voted for you last year, but that was last year. I lived in…
I’m the guy who walked out of the building and the building fell down. That’s certainly the sort of experience that’s going to stay with you, but I sure as hell never thought it would come to define me to such an extent. A close call like that is all it takes anymore to make…
The Afterthought
Whom the gods wish to destroy, they destroy. Euripedes was a nit-picker. The gods can destroy you on the installment plan, incrementally, step by fucking step. And, yes, madness is in their bag of tricks, but they have bigger, more wicked tricks up their sleeves than mere madness. Let’s say you’re me. But, no, let’s…
God on the Corner
For anyone who grew up out in the sticks and harbored big-city dreams fueled by pulp novels and Hollywood noir, Minneapolis’ Elliot Park neighborhood is living evidence that there are still little pockets around the Twin Cities that could give Brooklyn and Chicago’s Southside a run for their money. Tucked away south of downtown, penned…
Do I Repeat Myself? Very Well, Then, I Repeat Myself
All right, everybody get in line and listen up. I want you fellas to get some shut-eye so we can all be up and ready to hump it at first light. We’ll be traveling seven miles to the east over rugged terrain. Word has it we might be in for some heavy weather as well,…