Author: Brad Zellar

  • It's A Damn Fine Day To Be Inside

    First off all, it’s all already a blur, but were those really the Suburbs I saw playing “Rattle My Bones” out there on the field at the Dome before the game? I like that idea. I like that idea a lot. I also very much like the idea of the Twins taking an early lead…

  • And A Strapping Lad Shall Lead Ye Back Upon The Path Of Righteousness

    Is it not against all natural reason that God out of his mere whim deserts men, hardens them, damns them, as if He delighted in sins and in such torments of the wretched for eternity, He who is said to be of such mercy and goodness? This appears iniquitous, cruel, and intolerable in God, by…

  • And On The First Day…

    Pop-ups, Nick Punto, Barry Zito’s curveball, the wondrous Johan Santana, and a measure of redemption for Rondell White. 55,542 screaming fans. The tying run on third base with two outs in the eighth and the AL batting champ at the plate. And the guy who killed the Twins was a player that pretty much everybody…

  • Faith Of Our Fathers

    –Michael Langenstein, “Play Ball” Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. –Mark, 9.24 Who hath believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? –Isaiah, 53.1 And ye shall gird yourself for battle and go forth against that city where the wind blows without rest, and against the unbelievers for whom…

  • You Call That A World?

    I’ve got the world on a string. I’ve got the whole world in my hands. I’m on top of the world. I’ve got all the time in the world. Wonderful world. World of wonders. World of the future. Mattress World. Disney World. Sea World. Auto World. Tractor World. Reptile World. Sex World. Robot World. Sound…

  • Cool Water

    I could be mistaken –I could always be mistaken, I often am– but this seemed to be the scenario: I was asking for a glass of water. I was begging for a glass of water. I was so fucking thirsty that I could barely swallow. My tongue was all fat and fuzzy. It felt like…