Author: Brian Lambert
The Strib's Pam Miller Pens a Note
Without further comment … this from Pamela Miller, Star Tribune Guild officer and the paper’s Faith & Values reporter. “Brian’s coverage of the misery at the Strib has been accurate and intelligent. I appreciate that. “But I wonder if you, the blog- and media-reading public, really care what happens to a bunch of middle-class journalists…
Rybak Exits Star Tribune
Media reporter Deborah Rybak has decided to take the buy-out and leave the Star Tribune. She joins the likes of Eric Black, Doug Grow, Stormi Greener, Sharon Schmickle and 40-plus more Star Tribune newsroom employees who have/had until 5 pm today to officially notify the paper of their intentions. The paper has decided to deep…
The John McCain Pander Factor
Conservatives have enjoyed great success pilloring Democrats and liberals with accusations of “flip-flopping”. Any lefty who everv changed their mind, voting against a flawed bill and then voting for a repaired bill was labeled a “flip-flopper”. It worked because the party’s base, the average Sean Hannity listener, wants glib judgments made for him, and made…
Hamburger Does Strib's Work
I gotta tell ya I’m damned near out of gas on flogging the Star Tribune (and the Pioneer Press, and WCCO TV and just about everybody other than KSTP’s Bob McNaney and Strib columnist, Nick Coleman) to look up from its new strategic focus on the Fridley Squirts Hockey league long enough to put a…
Strib Guild Looks at Age Discrimination Action
The Star Tribune Guild convened a 10:30 meeting this morning to look at a pattern of age discrimination in the reassignments cooked up editors for the paper’s owner, Avista Capital Partners. Speaking on background one Guild officer said that by their count “only three or four” of the [30-40] reporters told they are being reassigned,…
StribWatch: The Cart Before the Horse
With the clock counting down to Friday’s deadline for accepting Star Tribune management’s buy-out offer, Strib reporters will get a look at the big, new, glossy, reorganized reassignment chart top editors have been fussing over. Word is it will debut sometime today or tomorrow. Actually, I don’t know about the “big” or “glossy” parts, but…