Author: Brian Lambert

  • Kramer's Announcement

    In its entirety: INTERNET-BASED DAILY NEWS ENTERPRISE TO BE LAUNCHED THIS YEAR MINNEAPOLIS, August 27, 2007 — an internet-based daily providing news and insight for Twin Cities and Minnesota readers — will launch later this year. Joel Kramer, CEO and editor, announced that he has raised $1.1 million in startup funds for the not-for-profit…

  • How They Do It In San Diego

    I am not offended if none of you are as interested in what ex-Strib publisher Joel Kramer will announce next week as the scurvy brother/sisterhood of newspaper wretches and I are. We are praying for a second coming of the written word, and hold out hope that the Denny Heckers, TCFs and Targets of the…

  • MPR & Taxpayer Dough

    (UPDATED WITH RESPONSE FROM MPR) As certain as the cycle of the sun and stars is the question of how much money Minnesota Public Radio gets in state subsidies … and why. The issue bobbed up again in the context of Joel Kramer’s to-be-announced on-line news site. Thanks to Julie Dinger in the Minnesota Legislative…

  • Joel Kramer Set to Announce Online Newspaper on Monday

    Next Monday appears to be the date for former Star Tribune editor and publisher Joel Kramer to reveal his plans for the launch of a professionally edited and reported online newspaper. From his vacation home in Montana, Kramer, who knows the tricks of the information-peddling trade, is not offering any new details beyond what has…

  • Moyers on Rove

    As counterpoints to mainstream thinking goes, it doesn’t get much starker than Bill Moyers’ take on Karl Rove’s career and record in this past Friday’s edition of “Bill Moyers’ Journal”. Note the particular point Moyers makes on Rove’s exploitation of religion and religious bigotry for naked political effect and ask yourself why if, A. Moyers…

  • Hillary Owes Rush and Sean

    It was desperate this morning west of the Dry Dock and south of Superior. No coffee! A few beans of de-caf were not going to make it happen, and the likelihood that I was soon going to be stripping off my clothes, painting my warrior-like body barn red with linseed oil and go shrieking off…