Author: Deborah Rybak

  • Brian Lambert, Reader's Rep?

    One of our correspondents the other day bemoaned our Strib coverage as appealing to “about 500 readers” and asked that we please write about something else. I hear you, brother (though I think the 500 number is WAY too high). I left the Strib because I didn’t want to think about it all the time…

  • From the Harte

    I was covering the Larry Craig hearing for most of yesterday and, though I tried to keep the site refreshed by posting comments, memos and such, I didn’t have a chance to read through the entries until late last nigiht. They made me smile. There were posts from some of the media people I respect…

  • Strib editorial upheaval confirmed

    9/26 UPDATE: Albright is out, and Gillespie is in…”temporarily.” Hope that doesn’t mean he’s going to decimate the opinion pages, then return to his regular newsroom vagaries…. Here’s the memo: “Editorial Page changes by Chris Harte, Publisher and Chairman September 26, 2007 – Susan Albright, our editorial page editor, will be leaving the Star Tribune,…