Author: Stephanie March
Top Chef 2
I’ve been watching the second season of Top Chef, but I haven’t had that much to comment about. Last year I felt I could defend Tiffani because I’d met her, but this year I don’t really care about anybody. Maybe that’s the problem, I don’t seem to have a favorite, no one to root for.…
Bored bored bored? Bored of hunkering down in your house? Bored of all the movies on TBS? You could have been a Russian Czarina, sloshing in vodka and noshing on blini. They managed to be glamorous in Siberia, why can’t you? The “culinary outings” from the Outing Lodge in Stillwater are some of the most…
Simple Chicken
There is so much good to be done by simply roasting a chicken. The pre-roasted chicken that you can pick up at the grocery store is easy, yes. But the truth is that roasting your own is not that much harder. Master this task and you will be able to satisfy anyone, anytime. Let me…
Verbosity with Plum Sauce
Haven’t had enough of three hour menu presentations by effete servers describing specialties that become more and more intricate as chefs plumb the dark recesses of their creativity? Visit Chez Louise and refresh the page to get more more more. Or if you seem to be the only one lacking a good comment at your…
A Truly Worldly Bird
There are a few unwritten rules of food snobbery that come into play, especially when dining in a new hot spot or restaurant run by a big-name chef. One is for the dining party to order as many courses as possible, making sure to hit all areas where the kitchen’s repertoire is considered notable. Another…
The Dinner's Eve
Know what sucks? Pink-Eye before Christmas. Know what rules? A husband who can cook. In my low and itchy state, I couldn’t possibly think about cooking for the fam. In a move that always puts me to shame, he pulls whatever he can find from the fridge and makes a meal. He took a Niman…