Author: Stephanie March

  • Apple Dreams

    I have an apple tree in my yard. This astonishing discovery came only a short while ago. We’ve lived here for six years. This tree sits in the back corner of the yard and has never been pretty or fragrant or useful in any way. Too low for a good climb, too spindly for a…

  • My Name is Tomato

    Heirloom Tomato Names That I Fancy Green Zebra Hillbilly Mortgage Lifter Mr. Stripey Cosmonaut Volkov Isis Candy Jaune Flamme Ivory Egg Stump of the World Tappy’s Finest Wapsipinicon Peach Blondkopchen Bloody Butcher Dingwall Scotty Hank Purple Calabash

  • Fresh

    The problem with blazing through life with eyes strictly forward, is that often I forget to reconnect to people with whom I’ve shared good days. Life takes work, and sometimes there doesn’t seem to be enough time or energy to reboil old friendships. And then there’s the fear that the connection leads only to a…

  • Slice of LIfe

    four and twenty blackbirds … Pie. Apple pie, lemon pie, pumpkin pie, shoofly pie, humble pie, pot pie, mincemeat pie, sugar pie. Pies have been around since the ancient Egyptians. In older times, the crust was not eaten. Referred to as the “coffyn”, the crust was merely a means of holding the warm filling together.…

  • Mission

    Last night I ate at Mission American Kitchen with a bunch of friends/business people. We were an odd lot. One end of the table was heavy with work conversation and Blackberry buzzing, the other end, my end, was thick with laughter, The Macallan, and housemade potato chips. Our server handled it perfectly. He worked his…

  • Table for One

    This weekend has been the winter of summer. Whether it’s 60 below or 100 above, it’s all about coping. Because the majority of people in my house are under the age of 16, coping comes only with my help: I’m bored, it’s too hot to go out, there’s nothing on tv, I’m too sticky to…