Author: Stephanie March
Mr. Ruhlman's Rant
I heart Michael Ruhlman. He’s written some really nice books, including The Making of a Chef, The Soul of a Chef and most recently The Reach of a Chef. He’s also a guest blogger on megnut, food writer Meg Hourihan’s food site. I’ve just spent the last hour reading his posting: It’s a Wonderful Life…
Love's Hangover
I have a good buddy who we’ll call “Roy”. He’s a total foodiphile and routinely calls me from the market on weekend mornings to give the good report on what he’s finding. Before he owned his own business, he was a pro server at some of the best fine dining establishments in town. Roy is…
Lovin' Summer
This is the first real weekend of summer. No holidays to plan for, kids are tied up with “other plans” that don’t include family or summer sporting events, friends have had enough of me over the Fourth and it’s going to be hot. FRIDAY I’m simply craving sushi, maybe to help cleanse my body of…
Don't Call Me Shrimp
I am a King Prawn, okay? I will not eat them Mr. Pimp I will not eat those pinky shrimp. I will not eat them set ablaze. I will not eat them in souffles. I will not eat them with a dip. I will not eat them on a chip. I will not eat them…
Chowhound ALIVE!
the spork carries no shame No disrespect to the fabulous AZ, but he isn’t the original Chowhound. For those of us with a driving desire to scour the cities of the world in search of the best grimy taco stand, Jim Leff is our Top Dog. He’s the food writer who created Chowhound, a community…
A Chocolate Fig
I sometimes miss my chance to support the local-food-movement, mainly because many Saturday mornings come at the expense of Friday night revelry and not even the promise of a breakfast brat could lure me to the market. With the opening of Golden Fig & River Chocolate Company Fine Foods on Grand Ave. in St. Paul,…