Author: Stephanie March

  • Fruit Haiku

    Rolling in my mouth, the cherry stones remind me of the girl I was.

  • Magic Stix

    I usually mistrust gimmicky food things. I don’t own an avocado slicer and I’ll never buy an adjustable hambuger press. But that doesn’t mean that, every once in a while, something super cool can’t be found. I know that this week everyone is eating out at spectacular restaurants to help fight hunger, but think ahead…

  • Of Witches and Ice Cream

    It’s hard enough to find a good Ice Cream Social anymore, let alone an Ice Cream Social associated with a beautifully enigmatic water tower. The familiar icon of the Prospect Park/East River Road neighborhood is locally referred to as The Witch’s Hat and Friday is its day of days. One day a year the tower…

  • Tasty Reads

    By the way, that’s not me, that’s my Tummy-Double. Yes, I read cookbooks from cover to cover, like a novel. Truly, I snuggle down into the couch with a big glass of wine and read them, skimming the recipes while conjuring events and parties that might support my new creations. Now that June is upon…

  • Picnic Love

    It’s all about the Potato Salad. This is sort of an anti-pasto potato salad. This one is herby and light. This one, made with french fries, won a Food Network contest. Martha’s All American version. Ach du lieber, wir essen Kartoffelsalat. Sehr gut, ja?

  • Top Mayonnaise

    Well, Tiffani lost. Harold has been named Top Chef. He’s going back to New York to open his own restaurant and I’m sure he will have investors and press knocking down his door. He’ll probably be successful, as long as he has a smart someone running his front-of-house. But did he deserve the win? In…