Author: Stephanie March

  • Maternal Appetites

    Nothing quite says “Thanks Mom” like a giant fruit peacock. Screw brunch. Seriously, don’t you think you’re pulling a fast one on your Mom by taking her out for brunch? First of all, there’s little or no effort put by YOU personally into the meal. Secondly, by making it the morning meal, it’s like you’re…

  • A-foraging we go.

    This coming weekend might be a good time to join the lurkers in the woods. The mycologists are a-foot, stooping to look under fallen trees, brushing aside damp rotting leaves, all in search of their prize: mushrooms. Foraging for mushrooms, and other wild edibles such as ramps, can be a consuming hobby. Disregarding wet weather,…

  • Disappearing Cookbook

    I have owned more than a few copies of this book. I can’t quite seem to to keep it on my shelf. Shortly after discovering it, a friend confided that she was terrified to cook, that she didn’t know where to start. She had been a Microwave Monkey for most of her life. I knew…

  • Corona, si vous plait.

    Many people wrongly believe that Cinco de Mayo is the Mexican Independence Day. It’s actually a day celebrated in memory of the Battle of Puebla in 1862. On this day, the struggling Mexican army rose up and defeated the stronger (and probably very well dressed) invading French army. What if they hadn’t had the moxie…

  • The Good, The Bad, The Yummy

    a square meal? Who can keep all the pyramidal permutations straight these days. There are good carbs and bad carbs, good fats and doughnuts. Being a foodiphile I’ve never been one to cut anything out of my life, but I have become a bit of a processed-food nazi. Even that doesn’t mean that I don’t…

  • Gracias

    um … hello? If you have dinner plans at a restaurant tonight, expect the unexpected. Latinos are the backbone of the kitchen industry: dishwashers, prep cooks, line cooks, bussers. They happily and successfully do the work that many native-born Americans refuse to do. Will they be there tonight to support your meal? It’s important to…