Author: Cristina Córdova

  • A Recipe for Hilarity

    What do you get when you take the cult classic Monty Python and The Holy Grail, add a bit of the British comedy troupe’s other great movies and music, toss in a pinch of Broadway cliché and a dash of pop culture, and throw it all into a blender? SPAMALOT! With such an incredible following,…

  • Sign Your Life away on the Dotted Line

    Personally, I’m a little tired of insider media gossip, but I find myself compelled to contribute to the cause. What the hell is up with these ridiculous non-competes!? The Pioneer Press has one. The Star Tribune has one. According to Brian Lambert, John Hines even had a non-compete agreement with KTLK. Work for any media…

  • Mr. Smith Goes to Kenwood

    Dane Smith is back, and he’s back with the panache that only serious money can sustain. Is this a good thing? As per Rupert Murdoch’s Pravda West, you decide! When last we saw our hometown hero, March of 2007, Dane Smith was walking the plank at the Newsreel of the Twin Cities, where the new…

  • Our Dear Friend "Utah" Phillips

    We just received this email from Red House Records, and thought you all should know: It is with great regret that Red House Records mourns the loss of our friend Bruce "Utah" Phillips who passed away Friday the 23rd at his home in Nevada City, California. In a time when words like "icon" and "legend"…

  • Wild Bill's Birthday

    One hundred and seventy-one years ago, James Butler "Wild Bill" Hickok was born in Troy Grove, Illinois. Perhaps this is a good day to rent the full first season of Deadwood and veg out in front of a screen. It’s hardly the most sociable way to spend your time (unless you make a party out…

  • Fly the Flag at Half-Staff

    Happy Memorial Day! Happy Memorial Day? We get so used to wishing happy holidays that we end up saying inanities like these. Is it a happy day — a holiday to commemorate loss of lives, casualties? What do you make from a holiday whose best venue is the cemetery? A celebration of life, perhaps —…