Category: Fiction
You Were Like This:
You acted all negative at breakfast, making everything heavy and chore-like. You were like this: Where is my coffee? Is there one thing on this menu that is not fried? What’s wrong with Grandma? Do people in rural America have like super strong hearts that don’t get all plugged up and clogged? Grandma is healthy…
The Courtroom
She didn’t tell me exactly what I have to wear, she just said to “dress my ass up,” Char tells Stephan. The three dust-topped round bulbs over the bathroom mirror whiten her face to stark, a finger of pewter shadows like chalk drawings under her eyes as she leans in close, paints in tiny pointillism…
Joseph Is Falling
If I were a super villain who hurt people, what would my super villain power be?” Enzo said. At first it had been paralyzing rays that shot from her index fingers. Then it had been a third eye that traveled about her body and could shoot paralyzing rays at will. Then a secret sonic vehicle…
Um, About Last Night?
Dear Barry 761: Of course I don’t think you are a loser because you are a DJ! Nor do I feel it was presumptuous of you to sign up for “professional singles” as opposed to just “singles.” Although throughout our eight-minute date you seemed not to actually work as a DJ anywhere and didn’t have…
Her Day at The Beach
Gwen opened the middle drawer of her desk and saw box after box of tea jammed one next to the other. Some were decorated in pastels, others in bright reds and yellows; some featured drawings of animals or pastoral scenes, and all were frightening. Like a banner strung from the tail of an airplane, the…
See How Far You Get
The sun was out and it didn’t look like it would ever rain. Sopha’s mama was coming toward them, her black umbrella up over her head. She held it high, so it looked like she was reaching up her white hand to hold onto the raggedy wing of a crow. In the other hand, bright…