Category: Food and Drink
In Vino Veritas
Take a piece of paper and write on one side: “The statement on the other side of this page is untrue.” Then turn the piece of paper over and write the same thing on the other side. Then apply for a tenure-track position in a university philosophy department, where they will tell you that this…
The Other White Milk
Despite the fact that March often brings the year’s biggest snows, I cling optimistically to an idyllic vision of spring. The sun coaxes me into a daydream involving windswept hills fresh with fragrant clover, buds bursting forth, and butterflies dancing their jagged jig while the goats and I frolic in a bracing breeze. The goats…
It’s my Megan’s day to bring breakfast treats for her 1st hour English class. Is there something wrong with me that I can’t settle for the donuts at SuperAmerica? Krispy Kremes are too predictable, and over-rated besides, and bringing cereal and milk would feel like a sad surrender. Of course we hauled our keesters to…
Jeffrey vs. Frank
rocco and jeffrey forever! Just for fun, from Gawker … Jeffrey Chodorow is unhappy with NYT food critic Frank Bruni’s review of Kobe Club, Chodorow’s new steakhouse. THROWDOWN! Jeffrey, of the Rocco’s-media-fabulocity-failure and head of China Grill restaurant group, has taken out a full-page ad in the Dining section giving Frank the what-for. Salient points…
Last Word
So now we’re freakin’ enough for a KARE11 Extra? Batten down the hatches, the world of dining is under siege! There’s nothing but tater-tot hot dish on the horizon … why have we been forsaken? Good God. Three restaurants closed. It does not signify the coming apocalypse. Franks-a-Million closed. Remember how the city burned and…
Year of the Boar
Yesterday kicked off the 15-day Chinese New Year celebration. This is the Year of the Boar, and anyone born this year will have excellent manners, easily make and keep friends, work very hard and appreciate luxury. They are very loving people and make loyal partners. I am proud to say that I was born under…