Category: Food and Drink
Anjou Reviver
Heaven knows the European Community (or whatever they are calling it this week) fails to warm the cockles of the English heart. (How would you like life in Minnesota regulated in detail by a bloated bureaucracy, living on expense accounts in a foreign land?) But one of its pleasanter side effects has been a scheme…
A Truly Worldly Bird
There are a few unwritten rules of food snobbery that come into play, especially when dining in a new hot spot or restaurant run by a big-name chef. One is for the dining party to order as many courses as possible, making sure to hit all areas where the kitchen’s repertoire is considered notable. Another…
The Dinner's Eve
Know what sucks? Pink-Eye before Christmas. Know what rules? A husband who can cook. In my low and itchy state, I couldn’t possibly think about cooking for the fam. In a move that always puts me to shame, he pulls whatever he can find from the fridge and makes a meal. He took a Niman…
Bourbon Balls
I was not invited to this one… I have a hard time with the cookie exchange thing. You’re famailiar with the premise, no? Each guest is to bring a dozen cookies per attendee, you swap your dozens for the others’ dozens and wind up with a fabulous assortment of holiday treats. At least that’s the…
Bacon Plus One
like it even needs embellishment… I thought I knew what I would make for those little holiday gift bundles of hand-made goodies that simply must be handed out. But now that I know of the existence of chicken fried bacon, I might have to re-think. WARNING: Don’t be surprised by the dizziness and dull ache…
Pumphouse Gift
Didja know that Pumphouse Creamery has decided to stay open all year long? Come on, I know that baby it’s cold outside, but what’s your deal with not eating ice cream in the winter? Pumpkin ice cream, oatmeal cookie ice cream, Guiness ice cream, for godness sake, are all appropriate post-feast options. Plus, HELLO FORTY…