Category: Food and Drink
Meat and Fish
Sausage Sausage Sisters! I know how you love them at the Mpls Farmers Market, with their cute little hats and funky sausage treats. Well, now that the market is over you can still get your sistah fix. First of all, they’re having a Sausage Garage Sale (which sounds kinda funkish, but they are professionals) on…
Edible 80's
My 16-year-old daughter has a new interest in The Ramones and The Clash. She also has a huge Ferris Bueller poster in her room. It’s odd when the things of your past become the fascination of a new generation. I’m just glad she can’t get a hold of most of the food I ate in…
Local Chew
just a few bites of info… Did you see our local pals from the Oceanaire Seafood Room mentioned in the New York Times article about the sudden proliferation of $40 entrees? The star of the article is a 1 3/4 ounce lobster dish from The Modern in NYC. It is priced at $42. When you…
Eatin' Good
Can we, just for a second, try to understand what Tyler Florence is doing with Applebee’s? He’s created four dishes that they’ve themed “Huge Flavor” by Tyler Florence. On the website they show him shopping at a market and chopping tomatoes (with an Applebee’s embossed knife) before he gently slices through the fresh mozzarella that…
Rouge Almost Noir
If you go down to the woods south of London, you may be in for a big surprise. Not the teddy bears’ picnic—that seems to be what a good many urban folk seem to expect in the countryside these days, as though farms were all film sets and the animals, a collection of animated stuffed…
My Gingerbread Essence
When the A & J Gem Café of Uptown closed, I was despondent. During the hazy days of postcollegiate life, comfort food had a different meaning. What comforted me was anything but mom’s meatloaf and mashed potatoes, which haunted my youth. After college, what comforted me was food that was something I could call my…