Category: Letter

  • Correction

    On page 32 of our August issue, we featured a 1995 photo of the Minneapolis band Suicide Commandos, but failed to credit photographer Dan Corrigan. We regret the oversight.

  • Of Busybodies and Taste Buds

    Fogo de Chão [“Meat and Greet,” July] is a frenetic experience, loud, fast, and exciting. It’s not for anyone looking for a quiet evening’s dining experience. I’m surprised Jeremy [Iggers] did not mention the hectic pace. Author(s) and Location: Stu Borken, St. Louis Park

  • Deep into the News Hole

    While we in Minnesota were asleep at the bridge, we didn’t notice that people concerned for a free Tibet traveled to China and hung a banner on the Great Wall. These protesters (one of whom was from the Twin Cities) spent 36 hours in detention before being deported. Talk about missing a story. This was…

  • Milda's Cafe Kudos

    After making a pissy comment about Ann’s Ashland Wi.article I would like to thank her for the wonderful review of Milda’s Cafe. It was one of the best things I have ever read in your webzine. Hats off to a great writer and magazine! Author(s) and Location: Dan Collins, Eau Claire, Wisconsin

  • Bridge Collapse Media Source

    Congratulations on your coverage of the tragic bridge collapse. Getting individual stories from local media was insightful. However, you missed one of the public’s most important media sources for information on that day. Jazz 88, KBEM, broke this story at 6:10 that night…just a few minutes after the bridge fell and provided vital traffic reports…

  • Nothin’ but Love for Nonprofits

    Cheers to The Rake for recognizing that bicycling (and walking) is indeed taking off in the Twin Cities; one need only look to the streets to see how many people are using their own two feet (and increasingly creative wheels!) to reach their destinations. As you mentioned in your June 2007 issue [“Twin Cities on…