Category: Letter
These are a couple of recent pics from a recent trip to Jalisco, Mexico – where humpback whales migrate for their mating season. In the first, you can see The Rake, the tops of a couple of whales, and a “water spout”. There were four males and one female in this group, where the males…
Here are two photos from our recent trip to Kuwait. While there, we went to the Kuwait fish market where they hold daily auctions of local fish and “foreign” fish (caught in non-Kuwaiti waters). The action’s wild, with a few hundred buyers vying for bucketsful of various varieties of fish and shellfish to be sold…
Man Versus Beast
Fifty years ago I was a young bride planning to rent an old Iowa farmhouse. My rural mother-in-law shared her successful bedbug remedy [“A Bedtime Preyer,” April]. She said: “Wash and air-dry all bedclothes. Center the bed in the middle of the room. Put each leg (bed leg) in a pail of turpentine. Don’t smoke.…
Epistle Packin’
“Mom and I are standing in front of the Church on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg, Russia,” wrote Ann Bernstein of Minneapolis. “The church was built on the very spot where Emperor Alexander II was assassinated on March 1, 1881. The Literary issue was a perfect travel companion in this country, where things seem familiar…
Brendan Flaherty and Sandra Yue recently traveled from Minneapolis to the southwestern province of Sichuan in China. There, they came face to face with this behemoth of a Bodhisattva, the Grand Buddha of Leshan. “This is the world’s largest stone-carved Buddha, at seventy-one-meters high,” said Yue. “It took ninety years to carve him from this…
More Questions for Kersten
Brian Lambert may have left key questions unasked in an investigative report into the writings of Katherine Kersten [“The One-Woman Solution,” February]. I would like to know if Kersten’s hiring and the pulling of advertising revenue to the Tribune from TCF Bank were connected. I would hope that a reporter with Lambert’s chops would be…