Category: Letter

  • Still Counting …

    I really liked your article on the murders in Minneapolis 2006 [“Murder By Numbers,” March]. It brought tears to my eyes—a couple of those people I knew personally, and it took me back to July 16, 2004, when my youngest brother was murdered on those same Minneapolis streets! I am angry that the Minneapolis Police…

  • Dynasty of Delinquents?

    In your article about murder in Minneapolis, in the section with details of the crimes, I noticed that three people were arrested, for three different murders, who all had the last name “Bobo.” How about an investigative article, in the future, of the Bobo family, and their background? Are they from Minneapolis originally, or did…

  • Notes and Corrections

    In our “Murder By Numbers” piece, we included three homicides by members of the Minneapolis Police Department. We then received a few phone calls from angry and/or curious readers who wanted to know why we’d done such a thing. Here’s the answer: We included them because they are part of the violence we described in…

  • Boys Night

    Brian Turner, Sean Bernard and John Cosgrove in some Irish Pub that they can’t remember anything about, except the bill was 150 euros when all was said and done. Author(s) and Location: Brian Turner, Sean Bernard and John Cosgrove

  • India

    Dear Rake Photo editor: This is a photo of attorneys Celeste Grant and Debra Heisick celebrating the November 2006 elections (results received by email) on a houseboat in the backwaters of the Arabian Sea in Kerala, India. We were in India to visit lawyer friends, judge a moot court competition, celebrate the 40th Anniversary of…

  • Pig’s Eye Moves Downtown

    Look, I like The Rake and was delighted to join in the celebration of its “First Ever Fifth Anniversary Issue.” I was even more surprised to see our Saintly City remembered in Jon Lurie’s piece “The Secret Garden” [March]. I delighted in the reading until finding my enjoyment tempered by the misstatement of a few…