Category: Letter
What is a Conservative, Exactly?
I have a new respect for the lady [Katherine Kersten, as profiled in “The One-Woman Solution,” February]. Does the Star Tribune know that they have readers in out-state Minnesota that may be conservative? What is your definition of “neo-con”? That word is thrown around and many people have no clue what it is. I think…
Springfield, Illinois
David Speers of Madison, Wisconsin and Nancy Miller of St. Paul recently called upon the Lincoln Family at the new Lincoln Museum in Honest Abe’s hometown of Springfield, Illinois. They had along The Rake’s October 2006 all-music issue, and it inspired some fairly solid verse. Writes Miller: In these times of war and strife, Lincoln…
A Careful Reading of the Facts
In his profile of Katherine Kersten, Brian Lambert states: “nor does she stoop to … cynical mangling of facts…” You can argue about her cynicism, but as I recall when she was writing occasional policy pieces for the Star Trib op-ed page, those pieces were usually followed by letters to the editor stating where she…
But Wait! Did He Read the Same Piece as that Last Guy?
It’s rewarding to see Brian Lambert back in print once again. Despite being a failed newspaper columnist and a fired radio talk-show host, Lambert’s hiring by The Rake must be complimented. By employing him—“an embalmed white man”—to “sneer about” Katherine Kersten. The Rake displays both its hostility to conservative viewpoints and selective devotion to diversity.…
Nothing But Love
With all due respect, your “raking” over of the Strib [“Go Down Moses,” February] doesn’t resonate with me, a Strib subscriber. Au contraire, I’m of the opinion that the Strib is actually turning out a much-improved product since the takeover. I have no other conflict of interest in coming to the aid of the Strib.…
Dedicated Followers of Fashion
What a fabulous idea! Leave it to The Rake to figure out that men have a pretty good fashion sense when it comes to their ladies by sending four of them on a shopping trip [“Guys and Paper Dolls,” February]. My husband has this same knack. I think it works for guys who are especially…