What if I take my kids to see Cars and they turn into NASCAR fans? I don’t want them to set up lawn chairs and coolers in front of the TV and start shouting “Don’t bogart the Cheese Whiz!”
I was afraid after Babe that we’d have to forego the piggies’ gift of bacon, but the DVD seems to have been scratched and mislaid.
The only kid-time foodies I can come up with: the French chef in Little Mermaid who sang “Le Poisson” whilst nearly chopping up Sebastian the crab, and Wallace who has my youngest waggling his fingers and proclaiming “Look, cheeeeese Grommit” every time we pass the brimming bin at Surdyk’s.
But there is a new hero on the horizon: Ratatouille. Next summer, Pixar will release the story of a rat in Paris who simply longs for the best food in the best food city on earth. Now that’s a rodent I can get behind.
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