I have a good buddy who we’ll call “Roy”. He’s a total foodiphile and routinely calls me from the market on weekend mornings to give the good report on what he’s finding. Before he owned his own business, he was a pro server at some of the best fine dining establishments in town. Roy is going through a rough divorce.
His soon-to-be ex, who we’ll call “The Grinch”, has removed nearly everything from his house, down to the last can of Who-Hash. This is a man who cooks, and cooks well. But no man can cook when he’s left with only a turkey baster and a foosball table.
I’m thinking of throwing him a Divorce Shower/Sake Binge once the thing finally goes through. If I had to restock from scratch, these would be my firsts and favorites:
Bowls, of the stainless steel variety. Clean up in a flash and they’ll never break.
Tongs, even if you have managed to culture asbestos fingers. Get the most basic, too much frippery only hampers the tool.
Forget the regular oven mit, they don’t call this one The Dragon for nothin’, baby. With the 100% Kevlar protection up to 1000 degrees, feel free to reach in the oven and just manhandle that turkey!
Rubber Spatulas need to be heat proof, yes. But more importantly, they shouldn’t break off into your batter.
Half-Sheet Pan, sometimes known as Jelly Roll Pan. Use it as a tray to set up prep items, throw down some parchment paper to bake cookies, roast a chicken, whatever.
Speaking of which, check out this deal on parchment paper. Set for life!
Pans, you have to go All-Clad. Except for one favorite.
Maybe one more gift to help embrace bachelorhood (that is, if The Grinch didn’t make off with the frigidaire).
Help me out: What are the kitchen things you couldn’t live without?
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