Table for One

This weekend has been the winter of summer. Whether it’s 60 below or 100 above, it’s all about coping. Because the majority of people in my house are under the age of 16, coping comes only with my help: I’m bored, it’s too hot to go out, there’s nothing on tv, I’m too sticky to read, he’s touching me, she’s breathing on me. Ultimately, the bottom line is that I need a break from my family. I’m not ashamed to say it, I still love them, but I need to get away from them.

Obviously, if I’m going to escape, I’d prefer that there be good food involved. And since someone (read: the husband) has to stay home and help people cope, it means that I am off on my own, blissfully alone.

I have no problem eating alone. Some people are self-conscious about the deficiency of a companion; I care not. If the servers feel pity or other eaters glance my way, I really don’t notice. With the lack of chatter and the absense of questions comes a soft void where I can focus on my food. And bonus: no sharing or compromise. I get to pick strictly West Coast oysters and slurp them all, without a single thought as to the etiquette of reaching for the last one.

Tonight, I think I’ve found the prefect cure. On Sunday and Monday nights during the summer, Solera’s rooftop deck becomes a beautiful escape with screenings of movies and drink specials. I can’t imagine a better night than one that begins with my personal selection of favorite tapas and ends with a cold beer and viewing of In Cold Blood under the stars. Perfectly, wonderfully at a table for one.






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