Calling All Cooks

Dig through your family collections, ladies and gentlemen. Pull the best dish from your repertoire and steel your nerves. You, yes you Betty Lou, could win fame and acclaim in the Great Mill City Farmers Market Taste-Off!

I know you are hiding a killer dish of some sort (scalloped potatoes? creamed corn? broasted chicken? Granny’s hot-pot? Earl-grey smoked pheasant?) that others consider to be the end-all-beat-all culinary definition of YOU. Why not flaunt it, show it off?

This Saturday at 10:00am, show up at the Mill City Farmers Market with your masterpiece (enough for 12 samples) and its recipe. Sprightly food maven Sue Zelickson, lanky chef Brenda Langton, and other chefs, farmers, and eaters in general will judge the dishes and bestow great honors and bragging rights.

Winners will be featured in the first Mill City Farmers Market Cookbook. (Your mantra: I WILL be published. I WILL be published.) Top choices in each category might take home a gift certificate to a local restaurant, limited edition market tote bags, t-shirts, posters and other such spoils.

Categories are as follows:
Hors D’Oeuvres (also known in MN as “apps”)
Main Dishes
One-Dish Meals (ooooh, a challenge. crock-pot anyone?)

Seriously, if my friend Danielle shows up with her Bourbon Brownies, the judges will be too drunk to taste anything else, so if you get a whiff of chocolatey-whiskeyliscious-goodness, elbow in front of her.

Call the good people at 612-341-7580 with questions.






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