Localvores Unite!

Lenny Russo was made for this.

On October 3rd, check out a special dinner at Cue that challenges you to Eat Locally. The Bon Appetit Management Company, which runs the hospitality show at the Guthrie, has challenged Russo to come up with an entire meal made from ingredients within a 150 mile radius of the restaurant. Piece of cake for Russo who has been committed for years to the beautiful jewels that are plucked from our frosty soil.

Amuse Bouche
Star Prairie Trout Farm Wisconsin smoked trout mousse with heirloom tomato sour cream.

First Course
Pan-seared Singerhouse Farm rabbit loin with garlic-braised chard and Pepin Heights apple cider reduction.

Second Course
Hill and Vale Farm roasted rack of lamb with Minnesota wild mushroom-black barley risotto and Alexis Bailly Vineyard Hastings Reserve lamb stock reduction.

Donnay Dairy goat cheese-pie pumpkin cheesecake with maple syrup creme anglaise and wildflower honey-roasted hazelnuts.

Bon Appetit chefs from 29 states nationwide will be taking part in the challenge, but I’m cheering Russo on all the way.






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