Owing to the tremendous response I received to my previous post “Granola,” it seems a further disucssion of mobile foodstuffs is merited.
In my previous post, I decried the propensity of talk radio hosts to demean various foodstuffs and I signled out granola.
I must admit that in the intervening years between colllege and the present my mobile diet has changed for the better. I believe my pallete two years ago (I am fudging the numbers here, must mean I am getting old) was less discerning than it is today. On the other hand, this could have something to do with the explosion of upscale Whole Foods-type supermarkets in the areas that I do most of my driving. I always hoped there would come a day when I’d say bye-bye to Little Debbies, but I had no idea it would happen so soon.
Today, I am proud to admit that on my drives between Denver and Minneapolis (about fourteen hours) my car is stocked with Granola bars and Smart Waters which I consume at an alarming pace. So alarming, in fact, that no advantage has so far accrued to my expanding waistline. If anything I have put on more weight. I tell myself that its complex carbs that will eventually be turned into muscle but I wonder.
Maybe the talk show hosts are on to something.
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