I think the gang at Lund’s has the right idea with their Food-E program. Having knowledgable food people in the store, existing only to answer questions and help customers is a great idea. But.
I never see them when I need them. Or they’re in the front of the store and I don’t have anything to ask about yet. And by the time I find something to ask about, I don’t really feel like tromping back to the front of the store.
So where do I connect with the Lund’s staff? (Besides the cheese counter?) At the register.
At the Plymouth store, my register lady grabbed one of the plastic bags and looked quizzically at me saying “What’s this again?”
It was a quince.
What ensued was a fun and lively discussion of quince and what the hell to do with them. We had other cashiers, other customers, even a cranky bag-man in on the chat. In the end, I think at least three people were convinced to buy and try quince.
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