All I Want for Christmas …

just say no …

If you know someone like me, or are someone like me, this list might be handy.

United States of Arugula looks to be a good read, documenting our food revolution.

Please please please, a year of cheese.

We usually don’t leave anything in the bottle, but still, I’m always looking for the best way to save a sip when needed.

I could eat oysters even on Christmas morning.

A membership to Zingerman’s Z Club keeps you on the cutting edge of taste as their intrepid buyers search out the best of undiscovered delicacies and ship them to your door.

Sake, junmai ginjo preferably, something from the Kyoto Prefecture, hmmm?

Iberico Jamon is the perfect perfect dream of dry-cured pork from Spain. You can’t have it until April ’07, and it’s a bit spendy, but what better way to celebrate the coming of spring than with the ultimate in ham.

Stocking stuffer: chocolate covered cocoa beans.

Nothing says Holiday Survival like a Christmas Ale.






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