Top Chef 2

I’ve been watching the second season of Top Chef, but I haven’t had that much to comment about. Last year I felt I could defend Tiffani because I’d met her, but this year I don’t really care about anybody.

Maybe that’s the problem, I don’t seem to have a favorite, no one to root for. Hunky Sam is cute and all, but kinda doofy and his food hasn’t been all that impressive. I liked Ilan in the beginning, but he turned out to be arrogant with little backing it up. Elia is just plain odd, which could be a winning quality, but she keeps throwing her hands up and quitting. Marcel is annoying, yes, but I could suffer it if his food was astounding. Mostly, he’s just really green.

I guess, if I had to put down a sawbuck, I’d bet on Sam. The fact that he didn’t take part in the meathead shenanigans of head shaving and that he seems more serious than the others gives him the advantage. He, of the remaining four, seems to know what is truly at stake.

The hunkiness, like a nice fondant, just makes great TV.






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