V-Day #2

And then there’s this…the most romantic, best way to show someone how much you love them is by cooking a meal together.

Turn off the TV, put on some good music, pour a couple hefty glasses of wine, and roll up your sleeves. The converstations that happen while you’re chopping onions will never be the same ones you have in a restaurant, at home you can talk in your socks. That’s intimacy.

Splashy overtures, like horse-drawn carriages and names written by sky-writers, can be thrilling, yes, but tend to fade quickly. Keeping someone’s wine glass full and offering them a taste of the sauce from the pan are moments of generosity that tell of a good soul.

There’s something about the sizzle and warmth of a kitchen, the heart of the house, that allows you to be real, to let down your guard and invite others in. Cooking together, each adding something to the meal, is the way to build a real life, one that lasts beyond the flash and hype of Feb 14.

If you’re game, and it’s your virginal attempt in the kitchen with your Someone, a few tips:

Have a Plan … You will have to shop ahead of time, so make sure you know what you have on hand, and what you need to find. Know the recipe.

Don’t Go Overboard … If your specialty is grilled cheese sandwiches, don’t try to attempt a lobster souffle. Stay within your comfort zone, but try to upgrade.

Fresh is Best … “Luxury” items like truffles, lobster and foie gras can be a treat, but fresh accessible food is just as elegant if you do it right. A lovely apple tart is as beautiful as any chocolate concoction you can make.






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