Year of the Boar

Yesterday kicked off the 15-day Chinese New Year celebration. This is the Year of the Boar, and anyone born this year will have excellent manners, easily make and keep friends, work very hard and appreciate luxury. They are very loving people and make loyal partners. I am proud to say that I was born under the boar, as was Mozart, Hemmingway, Lucille Ball, and Alfred Hitchcock. Oh, and Hillary Clinton and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The two week celebration is marked with superstitions and traditions including visiting friends, honoring ancestors and, of course, feasting. Love that.

For the sake of a little luck, and who doesn’t need some, you should plan to cook a Chinese feast at least one time during the next two weeks. Invite as many people over as can fit in your domicile and eat together.

What an opportunity to get to the local Asian markets and just spend some time exploring, picking through the produce and oddly intriguing frozen goods.

Try cooking a whole fish, which represents togetherness and abundance. Noodles should be uncut to symbolize prosperity through a long life. An overflowing table of dumplings bodes well for coming wealth. But stay away from fresh tofu as the whiteness is unlucky and signifies death and misfortune.

I’m off to JunBo for lunch today to start things off right. But tonight I’m making jiaozi, aka chicken dumplings/potstickers, as my first humble offering to the gods.






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