The Minnesota History Center’s RetroRama event is tomorrow (Thursday) night.
Note: The promotional photo at left was stolen from the History Center’s site. But I feel entitled to it, since it features a moonlighting model/Rake staff member.
In any case, about that event: Five local designers, including milliner/ Voltage producer Anna Lee, went digging through the History Center’s enormous textile archives, trolling for inspiration. Tomorrow’s runway show features the fivesome’s vintage-styled dresses, menswear, and accessories. Also on display (i.e., worn by mannequins with twenty-four-inch waists) will be various pieces from the History Center archives (too fragile to let teetering models touch). Vintage entities unto themselves, The New Standards are providing the musical backdrop. (They’re not my favorite band, but I hear Al Franken likes ’em.) And stand-up retro retailers such as Succotash and Up Six will be selling their wares. Martinis and mid-century appetizers (pigs in blankets, anyone? or perhaps a pickle roll-up?) will be handily available, too.
If you can’t make it, don’t despair. I’ll be there, with Elph in hand. Check back on Friday for the report.
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