This irreverent modern dance production is inspired by Jean-Claude Forest’s cheeky ’60s comic strip Barbarella. But it’s more closely related to the 1968 sci-fi movie Forest’s book inspired. Just as Jane Fonda did in that movie version, Dolls dancer Heather Cadigan gets things started with a zero-gravity striptease. In this instance, however, the achievement owes more to the performer’s limberness than to primitive, mid-century F/X. From there on out, the intergalactic mission finds Cadigan shimmying and wall-dancing in little more than her go-go boots. (Rumors that Cadigan would don something akin to Fonda’s famous see-through plastic breastplate couldn’t be confirmed.) Of course, the Dolls’ artistic director Myron Johnson couldn’t resist the temptation to inject Barbarella with some twenty-first-century-style modernity. He keeps his comments on media, women, and war on the slight side, but shamelessly mashes the film’s bubblegum score with P. Diddy and Christina Aguilera. 345 13th Ave. N., Minneapolis; 612-436-1129;
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