It's Soon and It Ain't Lookin' Good

I don’t envy Strib writer, Matt McKinney, who has the job of walking the razor’s edge describing the convulsions at the Strib to the satisfaction of both his employers and the general public.

But in his May 8 story on the latest round of cuts, there were these graphs …

“The Star Tribune’s problems aren’t unusual: Newspapers nationwide saw daily circulation fall 2.1 percent and Sunday by 3.1 percent, according to the Newspaper Association of America.

Other papers also are focusing locally. The Dallas Morning News last year closed foreign bureaus and refocused the paper on local coverage. It’s too soon to know if that has paid off, but the trend is clear, said Rick Edmonds, a newspaper industry expert at the Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, Fla.”
While it is “soon” to be assessing the impact of calling home foreign correspondents in favor of emphasizing more “local” coverage at The Dallas Morning News, with Strib executives determined to mimic the same strategy here, it isn’t exactly a testament to their due diligence to note that circulation at the new, more “local” Morning News dropped a stunning 14.27% in the most recent circulation report.

Here are the Top 25 Daily and Sunday Newspaper lists from Audit Bureau of Circulation for the six-month period ending March 2007. Industry-wide, circulation slipped more than 2% daily and 3.1% for Sunday. All daily averages below are for Monday-Friday. The comparisons are based on the six-month period ending March 2007 and the six-month period ending March 2006.

Newspaper, Daily circ as of 3/31/07; % Change:

USA TODAY 2,278,022; (+0.23%)
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, 2,062,312; (+0.61%)
NEW YORK TIMES, 1,120,420; (-1.93%)
LOS ANGELES TIMES, 815,723; (-4.24%)
NEW YORK POST, 724,748; (+7.63%)
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, 718,174; (+1.37%)
WASHINGTON POST, 699,130; (-3.47%)
CHICAGO TRIBUNE, 566,827; (-2.12%)
HOUSTON CHRONICLE, 503,114; (-2.00%)
ARIZONA REPUBLIC 433,731; (-1.14%)
DALLAS MORNING NEWS, 411,919; (-14.27%)
NEWSDAY, 398,231; (-6.91%)
SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, 386,564; (-2.93%)
BOSTON GLOBE, 382,503; (-3.72%)
STAR-LEDGER OF NEWARK, 372,629; (-6.08%)
PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, 352,593; (+0.61%)
CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER, 344,704; (+0.45%)
DETROIT FREE PRESS, 329,989; (-4.70%)
ST. PETERSBURG TIMES, 322,771; (-0.08%)
PORTLAND OREGONIAN, 319,625; (-1.05%)
SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE, 296,331; (-6.58%)
ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER, 284,613; (-5.07%)
SACRAMENTO BEE, 279,032; (-4.83%)






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