From the Why Don’t I Make This More Often category: Tuna Poke.
Over the past few stifling days, the last thing I’ve wanted to do was fire up Ol’ Bessie and heat up the kitchen. Oh, maybe I should stand in front of the rocket-fueled grill which has withered the leaves in a five foot radius? No thanks.
During anti-stove days, it’s either take-out, cheese and bread for dinner, or a flash of brilliance that comes up with tuna poke.
Ahi poke (po-kay) is actually a Hawaiian dish that, in its basic form, is raw tuna tossed with spices and little crunchy kukui nuts. I found some cool Chilean avellanas at Trader Joes that I would toss in, if I felt like having the crunch, which I usually don’t.
It’s a chop and chill, people. No cooking required, no heat, barely a mixing bowl. You don’t even have to be a sushi chef and make exact cubes, a nice chunk will do fine. What you’ll get is a flavorful meal that’s light yet filling. Silky, cold tuna with maybe a hit of spicy heat to brighten your eyes is the perfect antidote to hot and hazy. I put mine on a loose avocado mix (that might be compared to guacamole in come circles).
Ahi Poke
1 lb. sashimi-grade tuna
Slice into cubes, throw in a bowl. Add following ingredients:
2 Tbsp sesame oil
2 Tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp sriracha
1 tsp olive oil
3 chopped green onions
Toss to coat and chill until cold.
Avocado Mix
Gently toss (no mashing) all ingredients in a bowl and chill.
3 avocados, flesh cut into cubes
3 large green onions, finely chopped
1 Tbsp cilantro, finely chopped
Juice from 1 lime
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