Barry Bonds, Barry Manilow, and Bill.

On the Seventh Day you are supposed to take a break. With that in mind I’d like to write about something other than cars for just a day. I’d like to write about the difference between stars and heroes. Its a little diddy about two men named Barry and a boy named Bill (I’ve changed his name a little).

One of these Barrys is going to break a record soon. This Barry is named Bonds. And this Barry is a cheat.

The other Barry is a guy who played piano for a woman in New York in the early 70s and probably was disliked by big boys like Bonds. This Barry is named Manilow. And this Barry is well, Barry Manilow.

These two Barrys have a few things in common however, like stardom, fame and a whole lotta hits. Which brings me to a boy named Bill.

Bill also plays baseball. He is not a star, he’ll probably never be famous nor feel the pride of belting one out of the park. Because Bill, you see, is a diabetic, disheveld outsider on my Little League baseball team.

But he knows what it takes to win.

I’ve learned from Bill this season. I’ve admired the simple way in which, deficits and all, he has delivered for our team. In fact, he got a clutch hit last week and became a bit of a hero. And he has done it all without cutting corners and or caring too much what other people think. Because this Bill is comfortable in his own skin.

Which is why although I might be uncomfortable with what Barry Manilow considers music I also admire his grit. He might be odd but he does not seem like a cheater and he seems to keep his fans.

Which is something the famous star Barry Bonds just never seems to have. In fact, I don’t a kid on our baseball who doesn’t think him a creep. Because winners just don’t cheat. (And Mandy doesn’t count.)

Which is why Mr. Bonds could learn something from Mr. Manilow and his doppelganger named Bill. I gotta hunch they’d tell him to stop cheating, fess up and become something bigger than he is right now.

And that just might be his last day as a star.

And his first day as a hero.

(P.S. I don’t think this little diddy needs links.)






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