We all know Brenda, don’t we? (see: urban, organic, goddess.) If you don’t, you should, because Brenda Langton is an entrepreneur who has successfully fought commonism for years.
Brenda in crisp white jacket and soon chillin’ white ride.
Brenda owns two joints with her totally cool husband, Tim. One of their places, Cafe Brenda, just started serving grass-fed beef. (Yep. In an organic restaurant. Talk about fighting commonism). The other is a lovely little spot called Spoon River. The only thing common about it is that does not take American Express (why is that becoming so common? its frustrating).
The other day Brenda let it slip that she wants to buy a car.
The commonly-inclined (those who live and think in little boxes) probably cannot see Brenda driving anything faster than a bicycle but that will never do. I see her in something between a Prius and a Porsche . I am currently seeing her in a new BMW X3 (photo is not actual, seems like the old model) wagon in arctic white, but something about it feels too common.
I will be shuttling between offices this week, so I’ll leave the first picks for Brenda’s ride up to you. Stop into either Brendas or Spoon River and tell her what you think. We’ll get around to driving them probably sometime next week.
* Just checking to see if you read the headline first. Generally people interested in Paris Hilton will not read this blog. We prefer Paris, France. . That does not make us better than you, just less common (and that is sad).
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