Sunday Break: Be Cool. Fight Commonism.

Again it’s a Sunday, and again I will take a break from cars. Hopefully, you glanced over the post from my first Rakette, Cyd. Cyd, you see, is a really cool young person, primarily because she doesn’t try to be.

Two sunny people who don’t try to be cool (see also: Sun King)

Cyd is not, in other words, a commonist. And neither, good reader, are you. Which may bring into question who I am and why this is so. I am nobody. You are somebody. So let’s focus on you.

You, I am willing to bet, don’t really care about being cool. You would rather, in the words of the Sun King Louis XIV “be than seem.” In other words, you have no pretense, you don’t put on airs or attempt to be anything other than you are. That makes you uncommon. And heck, if you really do care about it, cool.

I am willing to bet that if you have been reading this blog, you’ve taken an interest in vehicles and things that are also uncommon. You have also realized at some point in your life the utter futility of trying to be someone else.

This is even more difficult for you if you have chosen to fill your life primarily with symbols instead of substance — you know, the biggest house, the hottest wife, the phattest rims. Because if history is any guide, Louis XIV had you beat long ago (check out Versailles–it all started as scrapbooking cabin of sorts.)

My house was, is and will always be bigger than yours. Luv, Louis.

Heck, even today you’re going to find it hard to match your shinny new trophy spouse up against the hottest couple on the planet (see Laird Hamilton and Gabriella Reece — Cyd looks a little like her.)

But I know that’s not you. Because you, my friend, are not a commonist. You’re a fighter. And, to paraphrase a better jingle of the past twenty years (I am in the liquor biz now, this might be good karma), this blog, for all you do, is for you.






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