Moyers on Rove

As counterpoints to mainstream thinking goes, it doesn’t get much starker than Bill Moyers’ take on Karl Rove’s career and record in this past Friday’s edition of “Bill Moyers’ Journal”.

Note the particular point Moyers makes on Rove’s exploitation of religion and religious bigotry for naked political effect and ask yourself why if, A. Moyers is correct, and it seems no secret that he is, then B. Why haven’t other pundits and political analysts mentioned the same thing? (Moyers mentions the recent “revelation” that Rove regards himself as an agnostic).

The exploitation of religious superstition and religious bigotry for political gain has to rank as one the most cynical and dangerous stratagems in human history, and yet supposedly worldly mainstream reporters and pundits either ignore it, in Rove’s case, or roll it all together as part of a fair and balanced tribute to Rove’s tactical “genius”.

Do you sense a combination of fear and pandering?






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