TC Dream Team

Casey’s too cute to chop onions…

Here’s the Big Lesson for the kids on Top Chef: Don’t Believe Your Own Press.

The Dream Team of CJ, Tre, Brian and Casey sputtered out last night on the second version of the Restaurant Wars episode. You can’t even say they went down in flames, there wasn’t even that much heat.

They were self-selected, the top of the pot, not like the other team which was made up of dodge-ball leftovers. But guess what…Leftovers never forget that there is something to prove. This is a competition and no matter what, no matter how many wins you’ve garnered, anyone can go home.

It may be shocking that Tre is no longer in the competition (many pegged him to be a finalist), but it is more shocking that he couldn’t bring his team together to kick some ass. Sara did, and she did it with Howie sulking and shuffling around behind her.

The Dream Team wasn’t concerned with putting out the best product, they were simply putting out a product that they thought could beat the Leftovers. They assumed this would be such an easy task that overcooked monkfish, salmon and cheese, and dry bread pudding could still rock the judges in comparison. Why bother tasting your food, when you know how good you are. Go ahead and send out crap to the diners, you’re going to Italy man!

I liked Tre and I thought he was a real cook. He always acted with grace and poise and I’m sure he’ll be successful. But in the end, you’re judged by the eaters and the simple truth is: you get what you give. I hope this was a wake-up call to all the chefs, to stop resting on their laurels, thinking about their future Discovery Channel deals, and actually prove that they’re more than tv fluff.

P.S. … What was the deal with having snotty, condescending Madonna’s brother as design guru? He must have a show in the works…






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