Bangle Butts, Benzes and Bonding

Been gone for awhile attending to biz. That being said, I have a few immediate automotive observations to share.

1) The New Accord shows Japan at its shameless best, again. I coulda’ swore I saw a BMW pull up beside me the other day, but NO, its a direct Bangle-butted four door rice burner called the new Accord: flame surfacing, jutted headlights, the works.

The funny thing about Chris Bangle’s influence on cars is that other designers seem to have one upped him in refinement.* The new Accord is well resolved and looks far more emotional than a Camry, still.

2) On the personal front, I acquired a new M550 a few months back in a very quick deal. The 550 is the first E class with the new S-class V8 and its quite the restrained muscle car. Specifically this car is what they call a “fat car” in Germany that is designed to drive well in excess of 100 MPH on the autobahn.

Because of this, I cannot say I have fully bonded with this car. In fact, because I am a ski racing fanatic and transport ski racers all over the Midwest during the Winter (and French School girls in the summer) I have been wondering WHY I gave up the finest SUV I have ever known for this car–The Toyota Land Cruiser.

The Benz is comfortable but not large. It is tractable but not terrifying–yet. I bought this car primarily to make my long ski trips more interesting while the family sleeps. That has not happened yet but hope still springs eternal. And, alas, the French girls have all gone back to France.

* THIS OBSERVATION IS SHARED BY A READER–FROM A PREVIOUS POST: “How true! BMW’s are finally coming out of the Bangle mess (I’m sure you will know what I am talking about here) and the 3-series still isn’t very good looking.”






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