Month: April 2008

  • A Midsummer Night's Wine

    So it seems the kids from Fame (who, by the way, are now eligible for AARP) have gotten together with Cyndi Lauper and a couple writers from the early days of Saturday Night Live to adapt Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream for the Guthrie. That, and I suppose Joe Dowling had a hand in it,…

  • More Fesenjoon. No Sex.

    Back in January, I submitted a blog called Sex and the Fat Man that was about my forthcoming novel in which a large hero has a lot of quality sex and fesenjoon — the dish over which he and the lady with whom he has all that great sex fall in love. For the past…

  • Diesel. Rhymes with Weasel.

    …and in the same breath–the Prius, indisputably an automobile for ryhmes-with-wussies… If only for the simple fact that buying "green" right now is just plain dumb. And please, before you cleanse your computer screen with Mommy’s blood-decorated stole, consider these three logical points: a) With a hybrid you are buying into a somewhat untested technology…

  • A Shipload of Amusement

    In a previous blog I said that I would share with you some pictures from my Mexican Cruise when I receive them. Well, to be honest, I was given them a few weeks ago but was hesitant to share them. After going back and forth with what I should do with this one photo, I…

  • Oral Distractions

    "I’m probably more middle of the road than most people I went to film school with," says Dan Orozco, host of Butter City, the hottest talk show to cover filmmaking since Siskel and Ebert ruled the airwaves, "I like movies that I can eat a whole thing of popcorn and drink a whole can of…

  • Rain, Rain, Go Away

    ARTW(e are )here: Mapping the Human ExperienceLast night, groups of creative explorers got together to form a psychogeographic map of Uptown Minneapolis. How did they do this? They planned tours at the roll of a die; then — utilizing Google Earth, a projector, and a wall sized "canvas" — the groups layered their experiences during…