“David Lynch meets Mother Goose”: That’s the vision Hardcover Theater’s writer/director Steve Schroer has for his new play, inspired by an obscure Victorian fantasy called The New Mother. This source material was written for children—it’s a fable that warns, with rich imagery and plenty of fright, against being naughty. And yet Schroer insists his play is for grownups. He lists a secondary source of inspiration as Edgar Allan Poe’s essay, “The Imp of the Perverse,” which allows him to riff on the human compulsion to behave badly at any age. Schroer also has layered in enough sexual tension and bone-chilling ambience (via set, sound, and lighting designs) to turn this creepy kids’ story into a hair-raiser for adults. Hardcover Theater at the Playwrights’ Center,2301 Franklin Ave. E., Minneapolis; 612-581-2229.
The Savage Joy of Breaking Things
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